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Can Menopause Make Sex Painful? 

Can Menopause Make Sex Painful? 

Our bodies may change with age, but we never lose the desire to please our partners. Sex helps couples stay connected as they conquer the challenges of adult life. That’s why it can be so disheartening to learn that sexual intercourse may be painful for you or your partner.  There are many reasons why this can happen, and a common one …

The Truth About Why Sex is Painful for Your Partner

The Truth About Why Sex is Painful for Your Partner

The female body changes with age, and it can have a dramatic effect on the way a woman experiences sex. Unfortunately, this natural process can make sexual intercourse painful for your female partner, and you might not have a clue why. Some men are so bewildered that they don’t believe anything is really wrong. How could something that was previously …

I Can’t Get an Erection, Now What?

I Can’t Get an Erection, Now What?

Whether it’s the first time or it’s been too many times, experiencing a flaccid penis can be a bit of a downer. Yep, I said it.  Experiencing erectile issues is not just confusing, frustrating, and inconvenient – it’s downright frightening. Sex is a major part of people’s lives, and the thought of losing control of your own body can be …

Consent and Sex: Why You Always Need It, Even with a Longtime Partner

Consent and Sex: Why You Always Need It, Even with a Longtime Partner

There’s a big (huge) misconception that sexual consent only applies to one-night stands and short-term relationships. People tend to think that once you officially enter a lo1ng-term relationship, consent is implied from that point on.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  By neglecting to ask for your partner’s consent, you could be unintentionally pressuring them into being intimate with …

Can Trauma Impact Your Ability to Get an Erection?

Can Trauma Impact Your Ability to Get an Erection?

One of the most frustrating aspects of erectile dysfunction function is that it can be caused by SO many things. You could be having issues with performance because of physical factors like a health condition or the side effects of a medication. This is known as organic ED, and it can usually be treated by a medical professional.  Nonorganic ED, …

How Hypnosis Can Help with Erectile Dysfunction

How Hypnosis Can Help with Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an extremely common condition, affecting approximately 30 million people in the United States alone.  Why is ED so common? Well, one reason is that this condition can be caused by a wide range of factors, from Type 2 diabetes to prostate surgery to high blood pressure medication.  Another common culprit of ED is psychological or emotional …

How Does Perimenopause and Menopause Affect a Woman’s Sex Drive?

How Does Perimenopause and Menopause Affect a Woman’s Sex Drive?

Menopause is traditionally associated with a weaker sex drive. You may have even heard that nasty rumor that menopause causes women to completely lose interest in sex altogether. These outdated, unfounded cultural norms never end, right?  Y’all, for countless women, this is a far cry from the reality of menopause. In fact, there’s actually a good chance your sex drive …

Having Trouble with an Erection After Surgery?

Having Trouble with an Erection After Surgery?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can arise from a number of factors. One of them is a radical prostatectomy, in which the entire prostate gland is removed as a treatment for prostate cancer.  Researchers report that up to 85% of men who undergo this life-saving procedure experience erectile dysfunction afterward. So, if you’ve had a radical prostatectomy, you may have trouble getting or keeping …

Do Women Have Higher Sex Drives Than Men?

Do Women Have Higher Sex Drives Than Men?

A widely held belief in our culture is that men have higher sex drives than women. Y’all, not only is this completely untrue, but I’ve met lots of women who feel the opposite is more accurate. Based on the cisgender, heterosexual couples I treat as a sex therapist, it’s usually the woman who feels more sex deprived or wants to …

When Not to Use Viagra and Other ED Medications

When Not to Use Viagra and Other ED Medications

Viagra®, sildenafil, and tadalafil – oh my. These and other FDA-approved medications are prescribed to help gents who struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED). And while these drugs can help improve your sexual performance, there are times when you should not be taking them.  So, when should you not take prescription ED medication? Easy – when you are not (a) prescribed …