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miami sex therapist

Does Quality of a Relationship Affect Sex?

February 15, 2016  One of the great things about this time of year and living in Miami is the sunshine with a cool breeze… I get to open up my window and let the sun and breeze flow right in. It’s invigorating and makes me feel alive with energy. Feeling this overflow of energy can branch out into other areas …

How Did Sex Connect With St Valentine?

February 8, 2016 Some people LOVE Valentines Day, others just go through the motions, and some avoid it all together. I personally enjoy Valentines Day. Not for going out to dinner, chocolates, or flowers (even though I am not apposed to that! FYI, I LOVE roses in purple); but for its original meaning. Have you every thought of how we …

3 Purposes of Sex

February 1, 2016 Good morning everyone! On this first day of February, I was blessed to have my favorite weather. A cloudy day with rain showers… just a perfect day to reflect and write. So as I sit on my favorite chair looking outside at the rainfall I began to think of the month of love and sex; more specifically …

Healing and Connecting Through Yoni and Lingam Massage

January 18, 2016 Many in our western culture are not familiar with the words Yoni and Lingam. So I will take a moment to explain the beauty of both these words and how they celebrate what they describe. Yoni means “Sacred Space” which is basically the vagina. If you think about it though doesn’t the work Yoni describe this part …

The GREAT Male Orgasm

December 15, 2015 Rain… Ahh… I just love the rain. Now, I have never been to Seattle but from all I hear about the amount it rains there I think I would be in utter bliss. Alas, I live in the sunshine state and as it’s true to its name… there is almost AWAYS sunshine. Now don’t get me wrong… …

The Spiritual Side of Orgasm

December 9, 2015 So the other day I was craving something rich to drink so I thought to myself “Self… You need a hot cup of brown goodness…” I high tailed it to my local beverage boutique and ordered me a hot cup of Hot Chocolate. You thought I was going to say coffee didn’t you! No this need required …

Sexually Fulfilling Orgasm

December 4, 2015 Ohhh my winter is upon us… at least that is what I am told when I watch the news and see parts of the country under snow. Here in South Florida it’s a warm 82. So this contrast in weather got me thinking about us women and our orgasms… Yes, the weather will pop interesting topics in …

Guys! So you just had a baby…

So you and your loved one are now Parents! Congratulations! You are now part of a club that will be one of the most important memberships you will ever have. However, a lot of new fathers and re-fathers (you know… 2nd, 3rd etc. child) don’t look at fatherhood with just bliss because the dynamic of their marriage or relationship with …