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The Spiritual Side of Orgasm

December 9, 2015 So the other day I was craving something rich to drink so I thought to myself “Self… You need a hot cup of brown goodness…” I high tailed it to my local beverage boutique and ordered me a hot cup of Hot Chocolate. You thought I was going to say coffee didn’t you! No this need required …

Sexually Fulfilling Orgasm

December 4, 2015 Ohhh my winter is upon us… at least that is what I am told when I watch the news and see parts of the country under snow. Here in South Florida it’s a warm 82. So this contrast in weather got me thinking about us women and our orgasms… Yes, the weather will pop interesting topics in …

Guys! So you just had a baby…

So you and your loved one are now Parents! Congratulations! You are now part of a club that will be one of the most important memberships you will ever have. However, a lot of new fathers and re-fathers (you know… 2nd, 3rd etc. child) don’t look at fatherhood with just bliss because the dynamic of their marriage or relationship with …