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miami sex therapist

Are you having enough sex with your partner?

Are you having enough sex with your partner?

How often should you be having sex with your partner? There’s no right answer here.  Actually, back up. There is a right answer.  The normal amount is whatever you and your significant other are happy with. If you and your partner are happy with the amount of sex you’re having, then great! Sex is an essential part of a relationship. …

“My boyfriend can’t get hard without touch—is that normal?”

“My boyfriend can’t get hard without touch—is that normal?”

As people get older, it may be harder for them to get and maintain erections. Erections may take longer to develop or need direct touch in order to achieve them.  A number of risk factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED), including: Any one or combination of the above could contribute to your boyfriend’s situation.  Symptoms of ED There are …

What to do or say when your partner is having ED issues

What to do or say when your partner is having ED issues

Symptoms There are signs you can look out for if you think your partner is having erection problems: If this sounds like your partner, it may be time to start talking about ED with them, if you haven’t already. Starting the conversation First things first, you don’t want to have a conversation about your partner’s ED in the bedroom. People …

Sex after birth: what to do when it doesn’t feel the same

Sex after birth: what to do when it doesn’t feel the same

How soon can I have sex after a baby? Well, that depends on a couple of things. For one, you just delivered a life into the world with your body. Pregnancy and childbirth change your body and you’ve got to give yourself time to heal before diving back into your sex life. Common problems arising from childbirth can include: These …

The Fastest Way to Cure Your Erectile Dysfunction  

The Fastest Way to Cure Your Erectile Dysfunction  

What causes erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a lot of different things. For example: 5 ways to treat erectile dysfunction Lifestyle changes For men under 40, erectile dysfunction is more commonly caused by emotional or psychological factors, such as depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder, among others. For some of these, you may be able to treat the …

Am I gay? I can’t keep an erection with my female partner

Am I gay? I can’t keep an erection with my female partner

Things are hardly so cut and dry and sexuality is one of those things.  Sometimes we perform the parts we believe we should be playing, even within what should be our most comforting, intimate relationships. This can cause us a lot of stress and confusion.  Having problems with keeping an erection with a female partner could be the result of …

Why you may be having trouble getting an erection in the morning

Why you may be having trouble getting an erection in the morning

What’s “morning wood”? If you’ve ever woken up in the morning with a full erection, then you’ve had what some folks call “morning wood”, also called nocturnal penile tumescence. It’s pretty common for people. In fact, some people can get up to five erections in one eight hour sleep cycle. Now, doctors aren’t entirely sure why you get erect when …

Sex After Baby: Balancing a Healthy Sex Life and Your Own Physical Space

Sex After Baby: Balancing a Healthy Sex Life and Your Own Physical Space

Hi, mom. I bet you feel like you’re at a crossroads some days—a mother, a partner, a friend, an individual. Each comes with their own rules and obligations.  But how do you balance a sex life with a partner, your new arrival and your own healing journey? That’s unique to you. There are some tips that can help guide you. …

Can Too Much Masturbation Cause ED  

Can Too Much Masturbation Cause ED  

Can too much masturbation cause erectile dysfunction? The quick and short answer is—no. The long answer is that there’s no evidence that connects frequency of masturbation to erectile dysfunction as a condition. You may be thinking about the “cooldown” period, otherwise known as the male refractory period. But this is different from ED.  This myth has been around for a …

Repairing Trust in Your Marriage after Infidelity

Repairing Trust in Your Marriage after Infidelity

So your partner had an affair.  It’s a tough position to be in—the aftermath. What should you do? What can you do? If you want to save your marriage after infidelity, know it’s going to be a lot of hard work, for both you and your partner. It has to be intentional on both sides. From then on, it’s work. …