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Erectile Dysfunction

What to do or say when your partner is having ED issues

What to do or say when your partner is having ED issues

Symptoms There are signs you can look out for if you think your partner is having erection problems: If this sounds like your partner, it may be time to start talking about ED with them, if you haven’t already. Starting the conversation First things first, you don’t want to have a conversation about your partner’s ED in the bedroom. People …

The Most Common Reason Men Have Trouble Getting an Erection  

The Most Common Reason Men Have Trouble Getting an Erection  

Organic erectile dysfunction Organic ED is the most common form of erectile dysfunction, especially for men over the age of 40. Organic here means that the problem isn’t caused by medication or psychological reasons. Typically, organic ED is the result of what’s called arteriosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries. When your arteries become thick and stiff, they get narrow …

Can Watching Too Much Porn Impact Your Ability To Perform During Sex  

Can Watching Too Much Porn Impact Your Ability To Perform During Sex  

What can porn overuse look like? Overusing pornography can have an effect on how people engage in their everyday lives. And it can certainly affect our relationships if we’re not mindful. Common signs of porn overuse can include: Don’t forget, these can be signs of porn *overuse*.  Watching porn doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to have an impaired ability to …

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many… I mean MANY factors that can cause erectile dysfunction. A combination of physical and mental factors can be a contributors. I will just will go over a few of the common and not so common factors. So the physical. We know that blood flow is the biggest factor for healthy erections. That said, any physical medical condition …

Is E.D. a Physical or Mental Issue?

Is E.D. a Physical or Mental Issue?

So what is it? Which came first? Was it the chicken or the egg? Well to the tell you the truth… its can be one or the other or even both. Yes… E.D. can be strictly a physical issues, a mental issue, OR a combination of both. Yes, a combo…fries and a coke! So, let me break it down. Erectile …

How Do You Know If You Suffer From E.D.?

How Do You Know If You Suffer From E.D.?

Ok… how do you know? Aside from the quite obvious like just having undergone prostate surgery or similar, are facing cancer issues, or something else that your doctor would have given you a heads up that this may be an issue. We are going to focus on things that may be less obvious or don’t have a “traditional” underlying medical …

What Is E.D.?

What Is E.D.?

So let’s start out with the basic question of “What is E.D.?” Well, erectile dysfunction is simply when one is not able to get or keep and erection long enough or firm enough for penetration. That is basically it. Sweet and simple. Now let’s look a little deeper and clear up some misconceptions about E.D. The hard truth is that …