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Getting Your Sex Drive Back After Baby

Getting Your Sex Drive Back After Baby

It takes six weeks, the doctors say, for a woman to heal enough after having a baby for her to return to her normal sex life. The problem with that ‘prescription’ is that after having a baby, nothing really returns to ‘normal.’  As any person who has given birth, whether vaginally or via c-section, will tell you – it takes a lot …

Hypnosis-Keeps your head in the game…

Hypnosis-Keeps your head in the game…

“How many emails do I need to send out tomorrow? Did I schedule that meeting that I intended to do? What should I pick up at the grocery store? I think we are low on avocados… mhmm avocados… avocado toast… guac!” Wandering minds, great for reminding us of tasks we need to do…Not so great for sex. This happens a …

Hypnosis for performance? Yeah… its a thing.

Hypnosis for performance? Yeah… its a thing.

You’re going to fail… YOU’RE going to fail… YOU’RE going to FAIL… SEE I TOLD YOU! YOU FAILED!! This is the voice many of my guys hear in their head (the one on their shoulders). I like to refer to this voice as Lex Luther… Superman’s arch nemesis. If you have been reading my Blogs for a bit you know …

The Rule of Three

The Rule of Three

If you have been reading my blogs for a minute you have probably noticed I discuss lots of tips, tricks, strategies, and rules that can assist your sex life and relationships in various ways.  For many, applying one or two of these things works very well and they see rapid improvement. Some others may need to apply ALL of them …

A Sex Calendar: Making Time for Your Partner

A Sex Calendar: Making Time for Your Partner

Hold yer britches… I can hear y’all screaming! SCHEDULING SEX???!!!! That’s gross… its not spontaneous!  I agree. Its not spontaneous. It’s the opposite of spontaneous, it’s scheduled. So, why would I even be talking about such a hideous and heinous act? Sometimes it’s a necessary evil in order to keep spontaneity in sex at different stages of our lives.  Different …

Is Low-Sexual Desire a Side-Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Is Low-Sexual Desire a Side-Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Day in day out… day in day out… you get up at 7:30 am which is an hour later than your usual routine. You know… before the quarantine. You have been skipping your morning work out and sliding out of bed to the kitchen to press the coffee maker button to on. You stand there thinking to yourself… shower? Or …

Building Sexual Trust After an Affair

Building Sexual Trust After an Affair

This one is difficult; I’m not going to sugar coat it. It’s difficult for several reasons. The loss of trust, anger, resentment, and incessant question of what to do next. What to do next? Do you stay together? Do you separate? Do you divorce? If you stay together what does that say about the one who did not stray? You …

Sex After Baby: Complications, Implications and Getting Back in the Groove

Sex After Baby: Complications, Implications and Getting Back in the Groove

Aahhh sex… such fun and then BOOM! Nine months later there is a baby. So, I’m going to give it to you straight. Having a child can affect your sex life. It does. Some couples manage and come out of the change with minor scrapes. Others well…deep resentment, infidelity, separation, or divorce. That was a mouthful. It can be more …

Getting More Passion Out of Your Relationship

Getting More Passion Out of Your Relationship

How long have you been together? Six months? Two years? Heck, forty-five years? Everyday life can totally flatten the passion in our relationships. So, what is everyday life? Work, gym, kids (if you have any), extended family, social events, and the dreaded word… familiarity. Yes. Nothing is really new anymore. You know each other, have had every conversation you can, …