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Finding one’s true nature through the seed of consciousness
Welcome! This blog is a tool to give up and coming information regarding different topics that affect each and every one of us. To begin with please note that over time information changes or new studies arise so very old entries may need an update. That is one of the exciting things regarding the Mental Health field is that it’s never stagnant. It changes, develops, matures, and adapts to societal shifts. The field is a lot like us as individuals. We all need to change, develop, mature, and adapt in our lives. Being stagnant can cause unwanted and unneeded anguish and stress. This can lead to a variety of conditions such as depression, addiction, low self-esteem, a sense of loss, anger, and not feeling respected.
I truly hope this blog will be engaging and informative for you. Please leave comments at the end of the entry. Thank you so much and be well.
Gabriela Galvan de Antillon M.S., LMHC, CAP, CET