Can Watching Too Much Porn Impact Your Ability To Perform During Sex  

Can Watching Too Much Porn Impact Your Ability To Perform During Sex  

What can porn overuse look like?

Overusing pornography can have an effect on how people engage in their everyday lives. And it can certainly affect our relationships if we’re not mindful. Common signs of porn overuse can include:

  • Ignoring or avoiding daily responsibilities to watch pornography
  • Growing feelings of shame for pornography use, but still watching it
  • Sex life becomes less satisfying
  • Spending a significant amount of money on pornography
  • Using pornography as a coping mechanism for difficult feelings or mental health issues

Don’t forget, these can be signs of porn *overuse*. 

Watching porn doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to have an impaired ability to have sex. But, it’s important to be mindful of when things start affecting you in negative ways.

Can porn affect your ability to perform during sex?

Porn, like a lot of other substances, can affect your ability to perform sexually. Men who watch a lot of porn tend to report reduced sexual satisfaction with their partners. Often this is because their partners don’t live up to the idealized images they see online, resulting in disappointment and lack of interest in sexual intimacy. 

On a more scientific level, excessive porn use can actually impact your brain chemistry. See, porn overuse can result in changes in the brain’s reward system, where you respond more to pornographic images than real-life sexual stimuli. This can result in psychological effects, such as lowered sex drive and even erectile dysfunction.

Symptoms of ED

There are signs you can look out for if you think you’re having erection problems:

  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Trouble maintaining an erection 
  • Having an erection not firm enough for sexual intercourse
  • Low interest in sex

Blue Pearl Therapeutic

Porn can have a lot of effects on our relationships, both positive and negative. A healthy sex life is one built on communication, honesty and, most importantly, that delicious sexual rhythm. If porn is getting in the way of that rhythm, then you might need some help. Get in touch with us today to schedule a free initial session with us.


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