When your partner is not as adventurous as you in bed

When your partner is not as adventurous as you in bed

Sexual compatibility is an important part of any relationship. Sometimes you find a person who matches your sexual energy just right and sometimes you find a partner who requires a little bit of work. We can’t change our partners (or else I wouldn’t have this job). But we do have some control over our relationship dynamics. 

If you want your partner to be more sexually adventurous, here are some ways you can get the ball-gag rolling 😉

Ways to get your partner to be more sexually adventurous

These tips aren’t so much for convincing anyone to do anything they don’t like. Instead, we want our partners to feel safe enough to work with us in exploring our mutual sexual intimacy.

Use praise

No matter where your partner is in their journey, there’s always something to praise. Appreciation is a great tool in making your partner feel safe and loved. It can also open them up to possibilities they may not feel so confident about.

Incorporate little things

Becoming sexually adventurous won’t happen overnight. Instead, you can start by doing baby steps here and there. You could try incorporating small toys or new positions that you haven’t used before. Little additions might help in shifting your partner’s perspective about what they like sexually.

Be open and honest

Don’t forget to advocate for your wants and needs as well. Having candid conversations about what you’d like to try or experience is part of sexual intimacy. And you never know, your partner may surprise you. Communication is key (and sexy).

Like with most things involving sex, you don’t want to push something that just won’t go. But with a little bit of practice, patience, and sultry praise, you may find that your partner can surprise you.

If you’re looking for a third…

perspective to help out in making a safe space to discuss sexual intimacy, then schedule a free initial session

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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