Did You All Just Have a Baby?
Sex After Baby - For Couples
Many couples struggle with sex and intimacy during pregnancy and think, “Oh, once the baby gets here things will be back to normal.”
But “normal” just seems not to come back.
When this happens, many couples don’t know where to turn. In this supportive Group Setting, you can get back what you feel has slipped away.
About This Group
- This group of “Sex After Baby” is specifically designed and catered for couples within the first year after giving birth.
- Discuss frustration of sex after baby has arrived.
- Talk about what you think your loved one doesn’t understand.
- How to reignite sex and intimacy.
- Discuss thoughts of your loved one possibly going outside the relationship.
- Help transition from pregnant couple, to new parents, and now to a couple with a baby.
- Discuss the importance of sex and intimacy now that baby has arrived.
- Perfect for first time parents and second time parents!