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How to Practice Self-Care For Your Relationship (During a Pandemic)

How to Practice Self-Care For Your Relationship (During a Pandemic)

Covid… COvid…COVID-19! Holly hell when will this freaking END ALREADY! Its pandemonium out there! T.P. is still nowhere to be found, people are transitioning to bidets! Things are all kinds of crazy. Soon we really will run into the Jackalope! How do we survive this pandemic? Yes “we”, not just “I” but “we”… “us”… “nosotros”. We get to have a …

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Time Together?

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Time Together?

If you are looking for the short and sweet answer, then here ya’ go… YES! There is totally such as thing as too much time together. Depending on the people and health of the relationship. the “too much” part can vary drastically. If ya’ll did not yet read my previous post where I mentioned the three sacred spaces – read …

Getting in the Same Sexual Headspace as Your Partner During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Getting in the Same Sexual Headspace as Your Partner During the COVID-19 Pandemic

OMGGGG!!! Can things get any more crazy. Don’t know about you but it seems that everywhere I turn it’s all about THE VIRUS, COVID-19, HAND SANITIZER, TOILET PAPER, SHORTAGES, QUARANTINE, SHUT DOWN! It’s on social media, the news, streaming sites, as we go about our day, we see more and more people with face masks on. Now, we are all …