Author Archives


How to Be an Ally For Your Partner and Their Kids – When You’re White and They’re Black

How to Be an Ally For Your Partner and Their Kids – When You’re White and They’re Black

Being in a relationship with two different cultures is a blessing and a challenge. Same goes for being in a relationship with someone when there are children from a former relationship. Now mix the two. Being in a relationship with someone with a different cultural background AND children from a former relationship. Next, place on top of all these blessings …

How to Talk to Your Kids About Homophobia

How to Talk to Your Kids About Homophobia

The world is becoming a more open and accepting place. We notice it on TV with makeup commercials showing gay or trans makeup artists. We see shows like I am Jazz open our eyes to the life of a trans girl and her family going through her journey and experience of being trans. As we journey towards more representation and …

Having Sex for the First Time in a LGBTQIA+ Relationship

Having Sex for the First Time in a LGBTQIA+ Relationship

So tell me all about it! How did y’all meet? Was it in a crowded room – and as you looked passed the crowd your eyes became fixed? Trapped by the warmth of a pair of honey-colored eyes. You stopped breathing for what seamed like… forever… before you realized that those eyes were coming… closer… to… you. I bet I …

The Challenges of Being Out When Your Partner is Not

The Challenges of Being Out When Your Partner is Not

So you’re “out” and about in your daily life. Your family and friends know your sexual orientation. You live out in the sun and not behind the shadows. It’s a wonderful feeling to live life as YOU. Maybe you’ve never had to come “out” because you had a loving and supportive family that saw “all” of you from the beginning. …

“Sexpectations” and Your E.D.

“Sexpectations” and Your E.D.

One of the hardest things for men who struggle with Erectile Dysfunction to manage is “Sexpectations” or the expectations they or their love one places on a sexual event. Hard to believe, but nearly 75% of the E.D. cases I see has sexpectations at the root of performance anxiety. The expectation of a certain outcome or experience is so high …

Is Porn to Blame for Your E.D.?

Is Porn to Blame for Your E.D.?

That’s the million dollar questions isn’t it? Well, I can tell you this…almost all, and I mean almost ALL, of my twenty year-old gents who walk into my office due to erectile issues started watching porn around the age of 10 or 12 and frequently masturbated to porn starting around age 13. Of this group, almost all of their porn …

Can Medication Improve Your E.D.?

Can Medication Improve Your E.D.?

Today it seems so easy for us to take an ailment and slap a pill on it. Erectile Dysfunction is no different. Except, it is, isn’t it? It seems at times that E.D. may be the one ailment that we throw pills at before we even allow a man to finish describing what’s really at play with his body. So, …

How to “Cure” Your E.D. Symptoms

How to “Cure” Your E.D. Symptoms

I get asked this question a lot in my practice: “I have E.D.; Can it be cured?” I basically say this. “Anxiety-induced physical reactions are some of the most successfully treatable conditions.” So in short, yes, you can successfully manage how anxiety affects your ability to get and maintain an erection for intercourse. Anxiety is one of those very interesting …

How to Practice Self-Care For Your Relationship (During a Pandemic)

How to Practice Self-Care For Your Relationship (During a Pandemic)

Covid… COvid…COVID-19! Holly hell when will this freaking END ALREADY! Its pandemonium out there! T.P. is still nowhere to be found, people are transitioning to bidets! Things are all kinds of crazy. Soon we really will run into the Jackalope! How do we survive this pandemic? Yes “we”, not just “I” but “we”… “us”… “nosotros”. We get to have a …

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Time Together?

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Time Together?

If you are looking for the short and sweet answer, then here ya’ go… YES! There is totally such as thing as too much time together. Depending on the people and health of the relationship. the “too much” part can vary drastically. If ya’ll did not yet read my previous post where I mentioned the three sacred spaces – read …